Kate Billing

Podcast Interview: Embracing the Midlife Turning Point

"The moment that has etched itself into my brain - and you will hear it - is the moment when I realise exactly where an all pervasive myth and stereotype is actually stronger than the evidence of my own lived experience!"

Jacqueline Nagle is the host of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, a place for women to gather to learn the science and art of influence by sharing stories.

Jacqueline asked me to be a guest on the podcast to talk about all things life and leadership. Where we ended up, in what she describes as “one of the most powerful conversations to date on Raise 1000 Voices”, is talking all about what I call ‘The Midlife Turning Point’.

From Jacqueline’s show notes:
“Midlife. It’s a period of your life that can often be fraught with confusion, fear, and anxiety as you grapple with the realisation that life is not just about getting older but also making sure you really live along the way.

For so many, this realisation leads to feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future and yet it is in embracing the mess that comes with processing big life changes that we find the deepest clarity about what we want from ourselves and our lives. The Midlife Turning Point holds the greatest of gifts, the opportunity to take a step back, listen to your inner voice, and come out stronger for it!

Mid-life should not be a time of fear and confusion. It IS an incredible opportunity to explore who you are, and DECIDE what the next chapter of your life will look like. So join us for this incredible episode where we know you are going to walk away with invaluable tips for transforming your mid-life journey!”

In our hour together, Jacqueline and I talk about:

  • Midlife as a crucible for transformation
  • Owning your own mortality and giving more f*cks about fewer things
  • The impact of internalised ageism and misogyny on women’s midlife confidence
  • The missing faces and voices of midlife women in our workplaces, media and entertainment
  • Creating a new community: ‘journey partners’ for the adventures in second half of life
  • Making peace with your body, just as it is, and the impacts on courage and confidence
  • Being too much (and not enough) – the #jesuistrop story
  • The power of midlife myths and stereotypes to keep us stuck and small
  • Cultivating an honest, supportive and loving relationship with Self as a journey to wisdom, acceptance, and power
  • Rethinking the 50-65+ stretch and the place of ‘modern elders’ in our workplaces: and
  • Much MUCH more!

Love to hear what resonates so give us a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and let me know what strikes you : )

Be safe and well.

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