Kate Billing

Menopause & Employment Law – the Employment Law team from Anthony Harper

Menopause in the workplace was first raised at national law firm Anthony Harper when their Head of Business Development & Marketing had a conversation about her personal perimenopause struggles with the firm’s CEO.

This one small, courageous action began a series of conversations inside the firm, with clients, and with specialists about menopause in the workplace, both for Anthony Harper and it’s people, and for the individuals and organisations their Employment Law Team support.

The employment law implications of menopause are only beginning to emerge in other countries such as the UK, but Anthony Harper Employment Partners Anne Wilson and Kathryn McKinney along with Giuliana Petronelli (Employment Associate) believe New Zealand employers have an opportunity to act purposefully and proactively in this space by raising awareness and supporting positive action.

In our Pause for Thought ‘live on-line’ conversation, Kathryn, Giuliana, and I will talk about:

  • Why Anthony Harper is using its voice on this issue and their personal reasons for getting involved
  • Preventing negative claims and reducing discrimination
  • Designing for positive outcomes
  • How the general principles of employment law apply to menopause; and
  • Their recommendations to organisations about where to start.

To find out about future Pause for Thought conversations please join the Menopause @ Work (NZ) LinkedIn Community where we work to enrich, elevate and amplify the workplace conversation about peri/menopause/te ruahinetanga:

Be safe and well.

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