Kate Billing


The UK is a few years ahead of New Zealand on the menopause awareness and action front. One highly visible way this is evidenced is the UK Government’s appointment of an official Menopause Employment Champion – Helen Tomlinson.

Working alongside the Department for Work and Pensions, Helen helps employers develop policies that empower women experiencing menopause to stay and progress in work. Applying the principles of Education & Allyship creating Cultural Change, Helen has built a clearly defined sector based strategy to support women across all aspects of intersectionality throughout their career from a women’s health perspective

Advocating for gender equity is the common thread throughout Helen’s 30-year career in the recruitment and employability sectors. In addition to her voluntary Menopause Champion role, Helen is Head of Talent & Inclusion (UK and Ireland) for the Adecco Group, the global leader in HR solutions. Her pioneering podcast on menopause and work inspired the Adecco Group to design and implement one of the UK’s first corporate menopause policies.

Since then, Helen has supported companies of all sizes to create supportive environments, encourage open conversations, and help women thrive at work through menopause and beyond.

In my 15th Pause for Thought conversation, Helen and I talk about:

  1. Her personal menopause journey
  2. How this world-first role came about
  3. The Four Point Plan guiding Helen’s work with employers of all sectors and sizes across the UK
  4. Reflections and lessons from her first two years in the role; and
  5. Her challenge/invitation to New Zealand employers.
  6. PLUS we answer questions from those that joined us ‘live’ for our conversation.



  • Download Helen’s ‘Shattering the Silence About Menopause’ report
  • JOIN the Menopause@Work (NZ) LinkedIn Community

Be safe and well.

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