Kate Billing

Claire Stuart, Gender at Work Manager, GenderTick & DIE Advocate

GenderTick is a YWCA initiative designed to show employees that your organisation is committed to gender equality. The GenderTick independent accreditation:

  • Provides assurance around gender policies and practices
  • Increases attraction and retention of women employees
  • Improves workplace culture
  • Mitigates future legal risk; and
  • Demonstrates your commitment to gender equity to employees, customers, investors, and shareholders.


In 2021 GenderTick got itself a new manager (Claire Stuart) and with her a major overall of their accreditation criteria including the creation of ‘Advanced Criteria’ with specific menopause requirements for employers.

Joining GenderTick from Diversity Works New Zealand, Claire has worked as a leader and influencer in many roles which have had diversity and inclusion at their heart, being a driver for change in implementing inclusion initiatives.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are something that Claire has always had a passion for throughout her life. She has understanding and empathy on a personal level, being one of five daughters, she is a keen advocate for gender equality, she also has a neurodivergent son and a transgender family member, and proudly advocates for these communities as well.

In our one hour conversation Claire and I discuss:

  • How and why GenderTick accreditation is changing
  • Claire’s personal motivation for elevating peri/menopause within these changes
  • Understanding women’s reproductive health through life as part of the human context within which their work experience takes place
  • Why organisations need to get on board from a DE&I and wellbeing perspective
  • The challenges for midlife women and through them workplaces and society
  • The menopause specific GenderTick accreditation criteria
  • Entry points into the peri/menopause conversation and how you can make a start; and
  • Watching the labels and stories we create around peri/menopause and its outdated stereotypes as we do the work to educate, support, and train people about it in our organisations, communities, and society.

To find out about future Pause for Thought conversations please join the Menopause @ Work (NZ) LinkedIn Community where we work to enrich, elevate and amplify the workplace conversation about peri/menopause/te ruahinetanga:

Be safe and well.

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